
Hello !!!

Disclaimer: It’s my first ever blog post, so please bear with me. This might be cringeworthy.

Welcome to my blog.

I love reading (Obviously). All my life I’ve hoped to have friends who loved reading and to share my thoughts and views about the books I read. I sure have plenty of friends, but almost none of them are readers. So I started this blog to share my thoughts, views and opinions about both, books and life (mostly books). Initially, I considered starting a BookTube channel, but didn’t go through with it (more on that later).

If you’re a bibliophile just like me, love exploring different worlds and live a thousand lives through the pages of books, then I hope you join me in my bookish adventures.

If you’re among the ones who read occasionally, I hope I can help you find more books to read. Feel free to join the discussions.

If you’re among the ones who don’t like reading, then come with me and let me show you the magic of the bookish worlds. If you still don’t like it, that’s fine, we can still be friends 🙂

See you around !

8 thoughts on “Hello !!!

  1. Welcome to the blogging community! I absolutely love reading and have thought about starting a book blog, but I just don’t have time right now. . . I am looking forward to reading your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😊 I loved your current blog and let’s hope you’ll start a book blog soon. I agree it takes up some time. But I’m learning to accommodate some blogging time into my life. Also, I loved your photos 😍

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! My friends are the type who last read a book in English class in high school (they are university grads now) so I can definitely relate 🙂
    Welcome to the blogging world!

    Liked by 1 person

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