Reading Update

What I’m and will be Reading : My Current TBR

Hello everyone !!

How’s the weekend going. Before I get to this, if you’re new to my blog, do check my Q&A announcement post and leave a question if interested (This will be on every post for a month people, Sorry about that)

If you read my TBR tag post, this is my current TBR. Once I go through these (or am at least down to the last 2), I’ll buy the next set of books. Now, if you follow me on instagram, you’ve already seen these books (almost all of them). So here are the books on my current TBR :

The Vegetarian by Han Pang tveg

Okay, so I’m a bit late with this post. It’s been a week since I bought these books and I’ve already read this one.

This is a South Korean three-part psychological drama, first published in 2007. It tells the story of Yeong-hye, who one day suddenly decides to stop eating meat because of her nightmares.

It’s terrifying and weird, but there’s still something good about this book, somehow I can’t lay my finger on what exactly is good about this apart from the beautiful writing style.

Also trigger warning : Dog (or any animal) lovers you may not like a certain part in this. I stopped reading it for a while, because of just how graphic this books is.


Release by Patrick Ness  rel

This is my first ever book by Patrick Ness and I received this in a subscription box. You can find the unboxing post here.

Inspired by Mrs. Dalloway and Judy Blume’s Forever, it tells the story of one day in the life of Adam Thorne a 17 year old gay boy.

I’m genuinely quite intrigued, mainly because I’ve heard/read a lot of people praise Patrick Ness. Let’s see what all the fuss is about.


The Child In Time by Ian McEwan tcit

This is another book I picked up because I wanted to read it before the TV adaptation airs and being a Benedict Cumberbatch fan, I obviously want to watch it.

Set in a dytopian future somewhere at the end of 20th century (the book was written in 1987), it tells the story of Stephen Lewis, a children’s author. One Saturday, on a routine visit to the supermarket, during a moment’s distraction, he loses his only daughter, 3-year-old Kate.


Lone Dancing Fox : My Autobiography by Ruskin Bond ldf

If you’ve read my blog or followed me on instagram for long enough, you’d have noticed that Ruskin Bond happens to be one of my favourite authors. In fact, I don’t care what the story is about, if the book has his name on it, I’ll buy it. It comes as no surprise then that I would buy his autobiography. Sure, anyone who has read all of Bond’s books, or even most of them, already knows about most of his life. Yet, there’s no way I’ll give this book a pass.

I love this addition to my list of non-fictions for this year.


Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel sg

This one’s a science fiction and the sequel to this book released this year. It tells the story of Rose Franklin, who as a kid, fell through the earth onto the palm of a giant metal hand. Seventeen years later, Rose is a trained physicist leading a top secret team to crack the hand’s code..

It is Canadian author Sylvain Neuvel’s debut novel written in interviews, journal entries, transcripts and newspaper articles.

Also, isn’t the cover just GORGEOUS  ??!😍😍

Mystery of the blue train by Agatha Christie 


The latest addition to my Agatha Christie collection (there are still many more books that I need to add to the collection).

Hercule Poirot investigates the murder of a woman in her compartment aboard a train, and a precious jewel that has gone missing.



The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee tg

This one’s a non-fiction. Siddhartha Mukherjee writes a biography of the gene, weaving science, social history, and personal narrative.

I’m quite excited to read this one. I’ve heard a lot of praise for this book and it has been recommended to me by a number of people.



The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniel

 download (1)

So I recently did an interview with Tiffany McDaniel about this debut novel of hers. As I mentioned in the interview, I listened to the audio book version of TSTME and loved it and wanted to buy the paperback version of it to read.

However, almost a day after I ordered the book on Amazon, I had to cancel my order, because Tiffany sent me an e-mail saying she has mailed me a signed paperback copy of the book along with a signed bookplate. She had offered to send a signed bookplate and I had taken her up on that offer, but the book was a real surpirse.

In TSTME, Autopsy Bliss, a local prosecutor in the town of Breathed, Ohio puts up an invitation to the devil himself in the newspaper. Sal, a bruised and tattered 13-year-old, is the one come to answer the invite. As strange accidents start to occur, riled by the feverish heat, some in the town start to believe that Sal is exactly who he claims to be.

Only Dead On The Inside by James Breakwell

This one’s an eARC that I requested on NetGalley. Hopefully, the review will be up next weekend.

That’s all of it for now. What are you currently reading ? Let me know in the comments below.


10 thoughts on “What I’m and will be Reading : My Current TBR

    1. Well, I’ve only listened to the audiobook till now and that was wonderful. But to have a proper opinion and to write a review, I have to read the physical copy. Which I will get around to, once I’m done reading some of the other books in this list.

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    1. Well actually, I’m not reading them all at the same time. πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I can only read one at a time. This is my TBR currently, the ones I’ll be reading for a month or so (it never fits into a month, which is why I never say it’s the TBR for a particular month).

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